Event Details
- 6 April 2023:Registration is open!
- 19 May 2023: Early bird rate is extended to 26 May 2023 and registration closes on 1 June 2023
- 22 June 2023 - We have sent an invitation link to sign up for the Masterclass. You can also sign up here. Please attend as it is an important part of your learning journey of the Legal Challenge.
- 3 July 2023 - You should have received an e-mail from Glue Up on the participant's pack and clarifications. Please check your spam folders. A gentle reminder to please sign up for the Masterclass here.
- 20 July 2023: The preliminary round judging was tough, with significant deliberations among the judges. There was clearly a lot of thought, effort and often some creativity that went into the participants' preparation of their presentations. The top 6 finalist teams are as follows.
- Beverly Tan | Mukundan Vasuda | Chloe Kho (NUS)
- Bryan Ong Wen Wu | Tay Ying Jenn (NUS)
- Ho Kai En | Titus Soh (KCL)
- Mohamed Harith Iskandar | Aaliyah Hanna Mar'iyah Das | Nur Rashida Binte Sabtu | Nirmal Prakash (SUSS)
- Ong Zhi | Amanda Tan Yoke Qi (SUSS)
- Terry Ng | Kern Lee | Euan Koh (SMU)
These teams will battle it out at the finals of the Legal Eagle Challenge 2023 on 29 July 2023 in person at SUSS.More details about the finals on 29 July 2023 will be publicised shortly.
- 21 July 2023: Join us for the thrilling finals to witness the top 6 finalist teams battle it out for the championship on 29 July 2023 830am-1230pm at SUSS. For more details and to register, please click here.
SCCA Legal Eagle Challenge is Singapore's first in-house counsel competition for law students and is back for its Fourth year. Participants will again assume the role of a General Counsel in a realistic simulation of the work done by in-house counsels every day.
Technology is very much part of our daily lives. What happens when your company receives a threat from an anonymous hacker to release data unless a ransom is paid? Join us on this exciting journey as you will wear the hat of the General Counsel of a fictional hotel company and advise the board on cybersecurity issues and crisis management.
This competition is open to all students studying law in any public or private university or polytechnic in Singapore, member of United Kingdom Singapore Law Students' Society, or member of the Australia Singapore Law Students' Society.
Each team shall consist of 2 to 4 students from the same institution.
Registration fee is $50 for each student in the team. If you sign up by 26 May 2023, you can enjoy an early bird rate of $35.
All registrants will be able to sign up for a complimentary SCCA Student Chapter membership.
Please appoint a team leader who will register on behalf of the team.
If you have any queries, please e-mail probono@scca.org.sg
Key Dates
- 1 June 2023: Registration deadline
- 30 June 2023: Release of participants pack
- 8 July 2023: Masterclass (Online workshop for all participants)
- 13 July 2023: Submission
- 29 July 2023: Finals
Winning Team - $1,000 cash prize
Best Communicator (individual) - $200 cash prize
All finalist teams will have the rare opportunity to have a 1-hour coffee chat session with a senior legal leader to network and to find out more about the in-house profession.
Organising Committee
Serene Gan (Organising Head)
Gerald Tan
Jerrick Lim
Event Photos