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In a world marked by incessant change and dynamic transformation, the legal landscape finds itself at the forefront of a rapid evolution. The tides of societal, technological, and global shifts have ushered in a new era, challenging traditional legal paradigms and necessitating a profound adaptation within the legal profession. As we navigate this intricate intersection of law and progress, the imperative to embrace change becomes not merely a professional obligation but a strategic imperative for legal practitioners and institutions alike. "ADAPTING TO THE LEGAL EVOLUTION IN A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD" encapsulates the essence of this transformative journey, exploring the multifaceted dimensions of the legal sphere as it responds to the demands of an ever-evolving global environment. This exploration delves into the complexities, opportunities, and responsibilities inherent in this era of legal evolution, serving as a guide for those seeking to navigate the intricacies of law in a world that refuses to stand still.

The SCCA's Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress is a unique two-day conference held on the 23ʳᵈ and 24ᵗʰ of April, 2024 in Singapore. As Asia Pacific's premier corporate in-house legal counsel event, the Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress expects to bring together 600+ delegates locally, and from around the region.

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress provides a platform for dialogue, co-creation, and cross-pollination of ideas, and unrivalled networking opportunities, enabling delegates to acquire actionable takeaways to present back at the office. The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress is the ultimate annual regional corporate in-house counsel event of the year.

Why You Should Attend

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress gathers together local and regional corporate in-house legal decision-makers from across industry verticals as both speakers, and delegates.

Expert Insights

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress brings together legal experts, thought leaders, and experienced practitioners from diverse legal fields. By attending, you gain access to valuable insights and expertise that can help you navigate complex legal challenges in your practice.

Cutting-Edge Topics

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress focuses on current and emerging issues in the legal landscape, providing attendees with up-to-date information on new laws, regulations, and best practices. This exposure keeps you well-informed and ensures you remain relevant in a rapidly evolving legal world.

Exposure to Different Legal Perspectives

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress's diverse attendees and speakers offer a chance to gain insights into different legal perspectives, approaches, and challenges across various industries and jurisdictions.

Inspiration and Motivation

Interacting with successful legal professionals and listening to their stories can be highly motivating. The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress includes inspirational speakers who share their journeys and successes, encouraging attendees to reach new heights in their legal careers.

Networking Opportunities

The Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress attracts a diverse range of attendees, including legal professionals from various industries, government officials, corporate counsel, legal innovators. Engaging with these professionals creates opportunities for collaboration, career growth, and potential new clients or partners.

Recharge and Reconnect

Attending the Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress allows you to step away from your daily routine and immerse yourself in a stimulating, learning-focused environment. It offers a chance to recharge your professional batteries and return to your practice with renewed enthusiasm.

 Discover views on the existing and forthcoming challenges in the legal sector, with discussions focused on solutions to these areas.

  • Learn and develop your skills
  • Learn beyond your field or interest
  • Acquire the latest industry knowledge
  • Open your mind to new ideas and latest trends
  • Get inspired and motivated
  • Be in an atmosphere explicitly tailored to let you grow and learn

 Gain critical insight, initiate new contacts, and share ideas with other key decision-makers and experts.

  • Boost your network with industry experts and peers
  • Meet potential partners and collaborators
  • Let people know who you are
  • Take time to process and reflect
  • Break out of your comfort zone
  • Learn about your competitors and exchange views on shared challenges

How did the Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress perform?

See our Agenda, Speakers, Photos and Video, along with key Demographics from our previous conference.

Previous APAC Legal Congress  2023


One Farrer Hotel
Level 6 Conference Centre
1 Farrer Park Station Rd
Singapore 217562


See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email can also reach us at +65 66363638

Overseas Delegates can choose to stay at the convenience of One Farrer Hotel, Singapore which is also the location of the Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress 2024 venue. Click VENUE & HOTEL to find out about the special room packages offered especially for this event and download the Room Reservation Form.

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