SCCA is proud to invite all in-house counsels to be part of its pro bono initiatives.
SCCA Pro Bono Committee aims to encourage the pro bono spirit within the in-house community and to find and publicise pro bono opportunities for in-house counsels. If you would like to publicise any pro bono opportunities for in-house counsels, to collaborate on any potential pro bono opportunities, or be on our volunteer mailing list.
Pro Bono SG (UEN No. 201700430E) is a registered charity and Institution of a Public Character. Founded in 2007 as a Department of the Law Society of Singapore, it has supported over 150,000 individuals through legal awareness, guidance, and representation. In FY 23/24, Pro Bono SG assisted over 16,700 individuals and organizations, with a growing base of 1,000+ volunteers from diverse industries. Renamed in 2022, Pro Bono SG collaborates closely with community partners to embrace our mission of access to justice for the unserved and underserved
@companyDLA Piper is widely recognized for its impressive accomplishments and stellar credentials. We deliver legal services seamlessly, comprehensively and proactively, with effectiveness and efficiency. Through our skills, values and commitment, we are making a positive impact on our clients, our people and our communities.